We focus on a few issues because we believe that is the best way to achieve the greatest impact. We focus on these areas in particular because we feel that they are the greatest barriers that prevent young people from making the most of their lives.

Our metrics for success are both quantitative and people-focused. We see people, not issues. Our methods are based on logic, driven by passion, results, issues, and outcomes. Our desire for innovation means trying new things, learning from mistakes, and redefining our approach. Our mission helps narrow our path to success, but our effectiveness is based in the cumulative power of our initiatives to foster a spirit of service.

The problems we seek to solve are complex and demand the coordinated approach of many – leaders, governments, communities, and individuals. We cannot succeed alone, but with the help of others, we will thrive well beyond the life of this organization.
We strive to work alongside individuals and institutions who are willing to take on tough challenges: tackling failure’s in American’s education system and building a foundation for tomorrow’s leaders.